Thursday, May 24, 2012

Using STDEVP in TSQL to eliminate outliers

If you have a bell curve distribution of events, then only 68% of values will be within 1 standard deviation away from the mean (95% are covered by 2 standard deviations).
Using stdev / stdevp sql function I can limit the original data set and find an average for the values that are within the appropriate number of standard deviations excluding outliers.

declare @stdtest table (colname varchar(20), colvalue int)

insert into @stdtest (colname, colvalue) values ('x', 377942)
insert into @stdtest (colname, colvalue) values ('a', 377943)
insert into @stdtest (colname, colvalue) values ('a', 2041)
insert into @stdtest (colname, colvalue) values ('h', 5)
insert into @stdtest (colname, colvalue) values ('h', 6)
insert into @stdtest (colname, colvalue) values ('b', 5)
insert into @stdtest (colname, colvalue) values ('b', 8)
insert into @stdtest (colname, colvalue) values ('h', 7)

insert into @stdtest (colname, colvalue) values ('z', 377943)
insert into @stdtest (colname, colvalue) values ('z', 50000)
insert into @stdtest (colname, colvalue) values ('z', 2041)
insert into @stdtest (colname, colvalue) values ('z', 524)
insert into @stdtest (colname, colvalue) values ('z', 50)
insert into @stdtest (colname, colvalue) values ('z', 4)
insert into @stdtest (colname, colvalue) values ('z', -100000)

select test.colname, avg(test.colvalue) stat_average, count(*) effective_cnt, min(bounds.cnt) total_cnt
from @stdtest test
inner join
        select colname, STDEVP(colvalue) cstdev, AVG(colvalue) cavg, count(*) cnt
        from @stdtest
        group by colname
    ) bounds on bounds.colname = test.colname
where abs(bounds.cavg - test.colvalue) <= bounds.cstdev * 1   -- 1stdev = 68%   2stdev = 95%
group by test.colname

Saturday, May 19, 2012

.NET 4.5 Improvements

Entity Framework 5 Enums and Moving Solution from EF 4.3

  • Moving a solution from EF4.3 +.NET 4 to EF5 +.NET 4.5
  • Using the new SQL Server Object Explorer in Visual Studio 11
  • Working with the new DbLocal database
  • Seeing the enum support in action : how it impacts the database, inserting and querying data with enums.

Original Julie Lerman's post

Microsoft Application Architecture Guide

The guide helps you to:
  • Understand the underlying architecture and design principles and patterns for developing successful solutions on the Microsoft platform and the .NET Framework.
  • Identify appropriate strategies and design patterns that will help you design your solution's layers, components, and services.
  • Identify and address the key engineering decision points for your solution.
  • Identify and address the key quality attributes and crosscutting concerns for your solution.
  • Create a candidate baseline architecture for your solution.
  • Choose the right technologies for your solution.
  • Identify patterns & practices solution assets and further guidance that will help you to implement your solution.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Regex for TSQL comments

This regular expression will help you to match comments in TSQL code.
Single line comments (--)  and multiline (/**/) are supported. Multiline comments can be nested one into another. Only one level of nesting is supported.
We used this regular expression to remove all comments from TSQL before analysis.

Inspired by

Friday, May 4, 2012

Convert flv to mp4 using ffmpeg

ffmpeg -i 9.flv -vcodec mpeg4 9.mp4

Check if files exist using PowerShell

The file controls.txt contains a list of filenames with path.
We want to find non existent files

cat .\controls.txt | Where-Object {-not (test-path $_)}

Get unique sorted lines from file and save to another file.
cat .\controls.txt | Sort-Object | Get-Unique > .\controls-sorted.txt

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How to find unused controls registration in ASP.NET

In order to find unused controls registration this regular expression might be helpfull


I used powergrep to run this regex. The "Dot matches newline" checkbox should be enabled to work properly.